Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Going Vegan for 30 days

I love food. I love meat. And a lot of other fatty delicious treats too! Unfortunately, after seeing Christmas videos of myself I'm realizing these foods don't return the love. I'm determined to make 2013 the best year yet and that includes my waistline reducing! 2012 was great for me but after ending the year with a horrible breakup I'm ready for some lifestyle changes.

I've decided to go vegan for a month because I need a detox to jump start my weight loss. Over the course of this year I will be participating in at least 12 lifestyle changes. Obviously vegan-ism is my first!

I plan to do my research and keep a daily blog of the struggles of no animal by-products in my diet! It'd be cool to have some other newcomers supporting my journey! So tomorrow January 2, 2013 is the official start of my 30 day challenge!

Wish me luck & stay tuned!
